The student body of Stephen Lewis Secondary School was on a mission to help children who are suffering from HIV/AIDS in Africa, through an event organized by Student Activity Council and our Athletic Association Council. Our staff and students planned to raise over $12,000 for the Foundation by participating in a 12 hour event starting at 7 pm and ending 7 am the next morning. Students were expected to stay awake for 12 continuous hours and participate in a variety of activities through out the night such as basketball, dodgeball and volleyball all night, sang karaoke at 2 a.m., made ice cream sundaes at 3 a.m. played video games at 4 a.m., watched movies, created sculptures, played guitar and many others. Students collected a minimum of $75 in order to participate in the activities. This is an annual event at our school and so far we have been able to raise over $10,000 each time.
from: Cecilia Piques Stephen Lewis Secondary School