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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.

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Spirit Rally Awards
INCREASE SCHOOL SPIRIT AND RALLY PARTICIPATION This year we started a year long competition at Lassen High School which includes spirit...

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Drive-In Movie
We had a Drive In Movie in our school gym. The students created cars out of cardboard boxes and “drove” into the gym. We charged them by...

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The Most Rewarding Meal of the Day
Breakfast of Champions Send nomination forms to all of the teachers and staff in your school and have them nominate a student whom they...

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Polar Express Parade
We had our own “Polar Express” Santa Parade thru the halls today at lunch – a first for us. We went down the main hall, like most small...
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Spirit Week Fashions
It’s difficult to get students to dress up for Spirit Week or Dress Up days, but if you make it fun you will get more participation. Hold...

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Cotton Candy Fun
A cotton candy machine is a fun way to liven up a fall or spring outdoor carnival. Most rental places will carry them and the students go...

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Birthday Dance Theme for Everyone
Moncton High School wanted to appeal to everyone with a dance theme, so we had an “It’s your Birthday Party!” dance. The whole dance was...

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Christmas Dance Idea
We held a “Sno-Globe Semi-Formal” and transformed our cafeteria into a snowglobe … put up plastic sheeting around the outside to simulate...

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Stuck for a Buck
From: Dave Conlon Elmira District Secondary School #schoolfundraiser

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Watermelon Carving Contest
Hallowe’en Pumpkins are hard to find in May and June, so go with what’s available for your summer contests. Carving a watermelon can make...
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Spirit Events
• Stuff Those Q-Tips! This can be used as a spirit assembly game. A student from each grade is selected to participate. How many Q-Tips...

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Guess that Santa – Ho Ho Who?
Take pictures of 12 staff and students, girls and guys. variety of grades, but mostly higher profile kids and staff. Put them in Santa...

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Decorate Your Teacher
It can get pretty tame running the same old door decorating contest each festive season. Try decorating your home room teacher. All of...

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Be the Change Banner
You were welcome to attend this activity if you believed you shouldn’t judge others until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. We...

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Grandparent Tea
Centennial Secondary held a get-together for all students and their grandparents. The Grandparents Tea was held near the Christmas...

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Grad Wall
All grads pay $5 for one brick to decorate. They are allowed appropriate stuff only – they sign a waiver that gives SC the right to roll...

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Spirit Couch
Each week students at Covington HS are encouraged to submit their names for a Spirit Couch drawing that is held at a Friday pep rally....

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Shamrock Shakes
Our student council came up with the idea of making green, peppermint milkshakes for St. Patrick’s Day, which we did over a Friday noon...
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Prom King and Queen – Spoof
At Centennial High School, we do not have a homecoming prom king and queen, so we decided to make our own version of a Coyote Prom for...
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Power of the Pen
Our leadership class came up with this idea as a way to increase morale in our school. First, you need to get a massive amount of pens...
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