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Ideas and Events
This section is being continually updated. Come here for all of the latest Activity Ideas
and Spirit Events that you can host in your school. The best of Canadian activity programs is hosted right here. You can search by topic from the menu below.


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Ten participants hold a piece of paper with the bold number printed on both sides. Each team holds every number from zero through nine....

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BYOM is the acronym for Bring Your Own Mug. This can be run in the morning before school during the cold time of the year. Hot chocolate,...

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Petting Zoo
Exams are stressful for everyone, so anything that you can do to lighten the moo(d) is a good thing. The Leadership class at Centennial...
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The Biffie Awards
It seems we consistently take time to recognize those students in our school who experience success both academically and athletically....

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This can be of no charge (as long as they BYOB) or you can sell bananas for $1 for those who forget to BTOB’s. #endofyearactivity #spirit

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Eye-Catching Ads on the Walk to School
A good way to catch the attention of your students walking into the building is to put your posters on the outside walkways with sidewalk...

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Mural Solution
Many schools will not let you paint murals on the walls because the wall is not suitable for paint, or the administration is afraid of...
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Great Gross Gunk
Dave Conlon [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section] #Mudpit #spiritweek

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Kiss a Pig
If you can, find a teacher that is willing to kiss a pig for donations. Or you can have 4 teachers volunteer and the teacher with the...

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Prom Fashion Show
Have a fashion show about 3 weeks prior to Prom to build up the hype before tickets go on sale. Contact your local formal and dress shops...

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Sock Snowball Fight
This spirit activity had been very popular. It’s a just like a real snowball fight. It’s in the gym and instead of snow you use socks...

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Christmas Cutouts
We make festive cutouts and put the name of every student and staff member on a cutout. The cutouts are made using a wood block and...

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Polar Bear Swim
During Spirit week at our school we had a lunchtime activity entitled “Polar Bear Tough Man” we had brave students get in a kiddie’s pool...

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Human Bowling
For our recent Spirit Week events, one of the lunchtime activities we hosted was called Human Bowling. You have two participants per...

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Christmas Tree Lights Charity
Have students sell light bulbs ($1.00 each) and hang the light bulbs in the front of your school or in a prominent place (like a...

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Have a Cow! Holy Cow! Udderly Outrageous Fundraising!
World Vision Canada has a gift catalogue that allows you to purchase farm animals for families in underdeveloped countries. We found...

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Skateboard Olympics
The students on my leadership team hosted skateboard Olympics during lunch hour last year in the cafeteria. They were a hit! We first had...

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Car Smash for Charity
Sell tickets in advance for a car smash for charity. You can also sell tickets on the day, but with promotion, you will sell more tickets...
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