Every Friday, our student’s council has a lunchtime activity. Everyone has come to know these activities as “T.G.I.F’s” (thank god it’s Friday activities). They are all very successful and I do suggest you try some… they are all easy and just take a few minutes to clean up or set up.
– Butter Carving (Buy blocks of cheap margarine and have students make sculptures. Give a prize to the best artist.
– Jell-O eating contest (First one to eat a plate of Jell-O wins a prize.)
– Scavenger Hunt (List of 5 not-so-easy-to-find items. In teams of 2, whoever finds the items first wins.)
– Great Gumball Game (plates of whip cream with hidden gumballs. Students cannot use their hands… first person to find gum and ball and blow a bubble wins.)
– Limbo and Karaoke (Lowest Limbo, and best impersonation.)
From: Mike Bembenek