The idea, Crush Grams, revolves around a can of Crush pop (soda) – it comes in orange, grape and strawberry flavors. You can have this fundraiser during the days preceding Valentine’s Day in February, or Sweetest Day in October. What you do is have people buy a crush gram for someone who they have a crush on. They would send it to that person, signed “From your Crush”. Cost of the Crush Grams range from 50 cents to a dollar. Student Council or NHS will deliver the crush grams on the designated day to every- one who is receiving them. The other part of the deal is that the person who sent the crush gram can insure that the student council or NHS members never tell the person whom they sent the crush gram to by purchasing “Crush Insurance”. Again, you can sell this for 50 cents to a dollar. Then the person who is sent the crush gram can never find out who sent it to them. The person MAY find out who sent the crush gram to them if the sender did not buy Crush insurance by paying Student Council 50 cents to a dollar. This increases the need to buy crush insurance when you are sending out the crush grams.
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