As you all know, Christmas is right around the corner. We’re already planning things out here at Holy Cross. I thought maybe I’d share some of our plans, in the hopes that you all could try these at your schools, and maybe even contribute some of your favorite Christmas activities. Here’s what we have planned:
1. Candy Grams. Student pays 25 cents, which buys them a little sheet of paper plus a candy cane later on. We have printed out for us TAG room lists, and glue them on an envelope. These are then put up on a wall in the caf. Students buy their candy grams, which can be sent out to friends, significant others, crushes, or even teachers and after writing a small message, place them in the appropriate envelope. The second last day finds SAC members staying after school to sort through the candy grams, and making sure each student receives a candy gram from ‘Santa Claus.’ They are then given out the last day of school, which is always crazy. Check out Costco or another Wholesaler for cheap candy canes!! Even try having inter-city candy grams, so students can send candy grams to students in other schools!
2. HO HO HO Trivia. We’ll be cruising the school with a tape recorder for a couple days, finding some spirited staff. They’ll be asked to say in their best Santa Claus voice, ‘Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!!’ This tape will then be played on morning announcements for the two weeks before holidays, playing maybe one or two a day. The winning TAG class gets a donut party!!
3. A Christmas Assembly. We’ve been granted an hour and half for a Christmas Assembly. It is a talent show pretty much. Acts are lighter in nature as opposed to a Coffee House (with poetry and whatnot.) We on SAC are coming up with a funny skit as I write!
4. Door Decorating Contest. We have an extended TAG on the 8th, which will give TAG classes lots of time to decorate their doors up for the season. This event brings so much spirit to the school, by means of simple decorations! We’ll judge the doors with another group in school, with the ultimate prize of a donut party or perhaps even a dress down day for the whole TAG class! I think we’ll have different categories, like religious, most creative’ should be lots of fun!
5. Christmas Float. We’re planning on entering a float in the Peterborough Christmas Parade at the start of December. We’ll get a flatbed truck, a driver, plus an energetic ‘Float Committee.’ It will be fun for all! Perhaps we’ll pick up on the theme of our dance, which is below. This activity is definitely beneficial to those SACs wishing to raise the profile of their school in the community. Try and get the band involved!!
6. Christmas Dance. Who can’t forget the Christmas Dance? Ours is the first Video Dance of the year, which will bring in many students. We’re going for a theme of Christmas in Hawaii.
7. Forum/Caf Decorating. We’ll also take some time to decorate the general areas of the school. We’re hoping our principal will buy a huge live tree like last year. It must have been 20 feet! The best thing to do afterwards with the tree would be to donate it to a seniors home as there is a week before Christmas of which we’re not in school this year. Also great for the school reputation!!
Hope I’ve provided you with some ideas. Hopefully they’ve inspired you to add some of yours!!
From: Stephen Telka Holy Cross C.S.S. SAC President Peterborough, ON